Dienstag, 22. Juli 2008


The headshots - Suchbild :)

It was sooo much fun! At first I felt almost overstrained about learning the role (Nella), as it's mostly ensemble or short lines inbetween here and there, that - by itself - sound more like new music than like Puccini. But she is on stage all the time and has to know basically the whole opera to not miss cues. So after rehearsing for a bit I started to love it! And I found out how much I love doing comedies or/and comic roles!
So here are some pictures of us on and off stage...

Nella and Schicchi

Nella, aka "the bat" and Zita, la vecchia

the girls - trio: Ciesca, Zita, Nella

Live pictures during the performance:
The trio:

Everybody wants to grab the will:

excitement... what are we going to inherit?


my husband Kyle (Gherardo) and I:

The girls in rehearsal:

...and in the same scene during the show:

while waiting in the church - kitchen I found the hugest measuring cup I've ever seen:

3 Kommentare:

Magdarine hat gesagt…

Hach, Viki, ich freu mich schon so auf Dich!!!

Magdarine hat gesagt…

Hach, Viki, ich freu mich schon so auf Dich!!!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Danke, dass du diese Begeisterung gleich durch mehrmaliges Posten zum Ausdruck bringst ;) Ich freu mich auch schon sehr! Bezweifle allerdings dass ich dir ien Mitbringsel mitbringen kann, da meine Koffer jetzt schon heillos überfüllt sind :(