Montag, 28. April 2008

très américain...

Im Übungszimmer...
In a practice room...

in Key West...
riding a sphynx in the Vizcaya gardens:

Ai rescuing me from being eaten by a frightening creature in the Universal studios:

Family picture...

Sonntag, 27. April 2008


My visitor-statistics have decreased dramatically in the last days - so I try to make up for that with a post about a less single-sided topic than last time:
some more Indiana - pictures!

My student - ID, that also opens the doors to the libraries and Gyms.

When I borrowed my school - Violin (as I was enrolled for Violin lessons this semester) I discovred something amazing: IU has its own "String - Shop" - a room on the 5th floor, where they build Violins and any other kind of string instruments! It's mainly for a class, that people can take: "Violin-making", but also for repairing broken instruments.

another dubious "Viennese" place to eat :-/


That's what I'd say too!

Mittwoch, 23. April 2008

Tae Kwon Do

This post is about TKD. (Tae Kwon Do)

Of course there are plenty of other things I could write about, and I will! But it's so much more organized (and that's what I'm working on constantly: being organized) to stay with one topic at a time... so today it's TKD. Or: A quick overview about my martial arts - career from January till now (April):
And every picture can be enlarged by clicking on it!!

Almost nostalgic: when we were the "new" white-belts:

after the first belt - test: time for some color:

rocking it out at the TKD - tournament:
(there were 2 categories to participate in: "forms" and "sparring". As I didn't want to make a fool of myself, I did not compete in sparring (where you have to wear a full gear with body-protectors, helmet and mouth-piece and madly try to kick or punch each other) - but: I did "forms", the way more elegant thing, where every contestant had to perform one of the many given TKD- forms in front of a jury and the rest of the audience - and was given points for that)

I did not win, but it was still interesting - so strange, how it feels, to "perform" anything else than music - and how long ago, that I had to do that the last time... Here on the picture I'm one of the girls sitting in the line, watching Tiffany (on the left) doing her form:

When the weather is in the "upper seventies" we go outside!! Hurra! This was the last class before the orange belt - test, practicing the kicks: (the enlightment is already visible)

Abby's great day, her blackbelt - test, April 12th. She has trained for it since November, she has even given up chocolate and alcohol for it and - she passed it, obviously:

First class after our second belt-test, now we are orange! Abby, who is also the AI of our class showing off her black-belt while we're sweating in the background.

Learning our 5th form, "Palge I - chang" - the picture is taken by our teacher in the last lesson, yesterday... now the official class (and the semester) is over... :(

Montag, 21. April 2008

my brothers...

I'm so sorry for not posting anything for a long time...

There would be enough news to write about here, but still - at the same time I can't make up my mind about what to write first or which of the many new pictures to choose for posting.

(As the donkey in uhm... this story, where it starves to death even though surrounded by plenty of food- just because he can't decide from which side to eat first.)
So I just thought I post something entirely different instead - the newest awesome pictures my brothers have sent me recently! Michi (left - who is visiting me by the way - in already 2 weeks!) as if advertising for toothpaste; and Albi - cutie (right), oh my, who cut his hair like that himself! (it was shoulder - length before) I can just say: respect, I am very proud! <3

Dienstag, 15. April 2008


Mir wurde ein Award verliehen / I got an award!

Herzlichen Dank an Magda, meinen Blog mit dieser Auszeichnung zu ehren! Schön zu wissen, dass es Leute gibt die finden, dass mein Bloggen einen Sinn hat :)

Thanks so much to Magda for rewarding my blog with this award. Good to know that someone acknowledges that my blogging has a purpose :)

Ich gebe diesen Award an Amina und Katelyn (meine Tae Kwon Do - Kollegin) weiter.
I forward this award to Amina and Katelyn (my Tae Kwon Do - friend)

Samstag, 12. April 2008

Stöckchen von Magda

Here comes a game from Magda, it's in German, so sorry, dear English-speakers - I still love you all and next time you'll understand more again, I promise! :)

Heute hat mir Magda ein Stöckchen zugeworfen. Da ich gerade beim Arbeiten backstage während eines recitals bin, habe ich auch gleich Zeit und Lust, es weiterzuwerfen!

Hier sind die Regeln
1. Setze einen Link zu der Person, die dir das Stöckchen zugeworfen hat!
2. Erwähne die dazugehörigen Regeln in deinem Blog!
3. Erzähle von Dir 6 unwichtige Dinge/ Macken/ Gewohnheiten!
4. Gib das Stöckchen am Ende deiner 6 Antworten an 6 Leute durch Verlinkung weiter!
5. Hinterlasse bei jeder verlinkten Person einen Kommentar in ihrem Blog, wonach sie getagged wurde!

Los geht's, hier kommen meine 6 Macken/Gewohnheiten:
1. Ich lasse immer alles unversperrt oder überhaupt offen, sei es das Fahrrad, das Fenster oder manchmal sogar irrtümlich die Wohnungstüre.
2. Wenn ich Hunger habe kann man mit mir leider nicht sehr viel anfangen - ohne größeren Schaden davonzutragen :p
3. Mir wird schlecht wenn ich an Himbeeren in Bitterschokolade denke.
4. Ich merke mir manchmal jedes kleinste Detail einer Erzählung und erstaune damit Leute, und dann gibt es Tage, da vergesse ich alles sofort und völlig - als hätte ich es nie gehört gehabt.
5. Wenn ich etwas in meiner Tasche suche, schaue ich meist nicht hinein, sondern wühle blindlings darin herum und achte nur auf den Tastsinn.
6. Ich lasse manchmal das Licht irrtümlich brennen wenn ich einschlafe und es stört mich nicht..

So, das war's. Ich werfe dieses Stöckchen an Amina, Katelyn, Michi, Albis band "face-", Torsten, und Sonja weiter.

Dienstag, 8. April 2008

Recital and Birthday - pictures!!!

A little delayed (because made with my analog camera and just developed now):
The 3 only pictures right after my recital:

March 21, 2008

with Ms. Wise . grinning contest :)
(I didn't wear the Dirndl during the whole recital... just for the encore "Wien, Wien nur du allein")

Valeska (who played harp), Kristie, my pianist, me and Ai (roommate)

with my friend Alize, 18 year-old freshman girl and Wunderkind

... Easter and my Birthday:

...that was in a package my parents had sent me from Mitterndorf!!! - a loaf of bread, Styrian cheese, Lebkuchen from the Alps (like on the postcard behind)

March 30, 2008:

...the German group at my Birthday-Steirakasnockerl-dinner!

...Sonja (Germanic studies), Eva (Violin), Christiane (Germanic st.) and Valeska.

Mittwoch, 2. April 2008

Hoffmann - Garderoben - shooting

"Tales of Hoffmann"

my big solo - laptop - shooting:

(how clever they tried to blend my own hair into the wig!)

Duo - shooting with Charlotte: (a charming Chorus acquaintance)

Trio - shooting with Charlotte and Olivia: