Montag, 25. Februar 2008


Voice-harp - concert in the International Center

This is about the "noon - concert", that Valeska and I were giving on Feb. 15. (as mentioned in the last posting) Finally... I found the time to upload pieces of the video! I just realize that it's the 1st time that I share a performance online since the studio recital in November... this was entirely different though, much smaller and not on a stage - but alltogether almost more satisfying, as there was a free "light lunch" afterwards! (the Vegetarian option thereby was: A Sandwich with vegetables and Cheese, a side of chips with a dip, 2 cookies and fresh fruits.) All on a paper plate without silver- or even plasticware, but who cares as long as it tastes good? (Actually I can't really remember how it tasted, because I - even without stage and lights and other "concert-surroundings" - was in this kind of "high" after-performance-state and busy with talking to the people who had shown up.

Thus, the most challenging part of the recital was to ignore a little Asian girl, that was sitting in the front row with her mother and started talking aloud at about some place in the middle of every song. I had to concentrate so hard to not get distracted too much by that. (Valeska told me, that she had asked the girl later, if she'd liked the concert and said, she had just shaken her head!)

Anyway, the other (but smaller) challenge, was to spontaneously talk about the things we were performing - in English for the 1st time! Well, it was my fault of course, that I just wrote "spontaneously", because my organized self (that is mostly hopelessly overpowered by it's horribly unorganized twin) could have prepared that well in advance. But that never happened and so something spontaneous full of "uhm's" and "ah's" came out - but I didn't cut it from the video-excerpt because I thought, maybe it's interesting for you because so you have more information about the things I'm singing there; and - more important - I spares me the trouble of writing much more here :)

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