Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008

Viki + Harp&Horn-Video

Now I've also uploaded another video from my recital - the piece for advanced listeners: Totally unknown - but classical style (conteporary would be even more advanced) -
and "aria" (even though it sounds more like a song) by Spohr, from his opera "Der Erbvertrag", which I doubt to exist. (At least I couldn't find any information about it, neither online nor in the library)
As I found it a bit boring after 2 strophes, I changed the melody a bit in the 3rd one...

My friend Valeska is playing harp by the way, and Tim, who I know from work is the fabulous hornist. (Not Hornisse unfortunately :)

1 Kommentar:

Magdarine hat gesagt…

In meinem neuesten Blog-Eintrag spielst Du eine tragende Rolle :)