Montag, 16. Juni 2008

New York - part 1: Touristenfotos

To handle the tons of pictures of our trip, I'll do postings about themes...
So here come the

"Tourist Pictures"

View on the Statue of Liberty from the Staten Island ferry (that you can ride for free)

Michi and his date (just kidding - she's actually a friend of a friend) in front of architectural contrasts

The view from the top of the Rock (-efeller Center)

This is Manhattan (native American word: Mannahatta...means "many hills")

Central park

My brother Michi and the Empire State building

A nice security guard insisted on taking this picture of us. ("Rocky" from downstairs)

in Times Square after watching a Broadway musical!

old meets new

very cliché...

2 Kommentare:

Elisabeth hat gesagt…

sehr schöne Fotos :-)

Magdarine hat gesagt…

wow, die Votivkirche gibt es also auch in Amerika!!!