Freitag, 27. Juni 2008

more from the San Francisco opera camp

Seit ich hier bin ist es windig, bewölkt und kalt - bis auf einen Tag (an dem wir natürlich nicht frei hatten) - aber zumindest war 1 Stunde Pause, wo ich einen weiteren Strand gleich 10 min. entfernt von unserer rehearsal - Stätte fand. Was für ein Ausblick:

Since I am here it has been windy, cloudy and cold - except for 1 day (where of course we were not free) - but at least we had 1 hour break and I discovered an other beach, just 10 min. from our rehearsal site. What a view:

Before entering the beach:

The only unfortunate thing was that the first thing I saw there was a big sign saying "People have drowned here. Swimming and wading not recommended" But as it was so cold I wasn't tempted anyway.

This is my room- and studiomate (Abby) and me today at the bus-stop on our way to the rehearsal.

1 Kommentar:

Magdarine hat gesagt…

ich finde "opera camp" klingt irgendwie voll lustig, wie Pfadfinderlager für Musikstudenten. hihi