Of course there are plenty of other things I could write about, and I will! But it's so much more organized (and that's what I'm working on constantly: being organized) to stay with one topic at a time... so today it's TKD. Or: A quick overview about my martial arts - career from January till now (April):
And every picture can be enlarged by clicking on it!!
Almost nostalgic: when we were the "new" white-belts:

rocking it out at the TKD - tournament:
(there were 2 categories to participate in: "forms" and "sparring". As I didn't want to make a fool of myself, I did not compete in sparring (where you have to wear a full gear with body-protectors, helmet and mouth-piece and madly try to kick or punch each other) - but: I did "forms", the way more elegant thing, where every contestant had to perform one of the many given TKD- forms in front of a jury and the rest of the audience - and was given points for that)
I did not win, but it was still interesting - so strange, how it feels, to "perform" anything else than music - and how long ago, that I had to do that the last time... Here on the picture I'm one of the girls sitting in the line, watching Tiffany (on the left) doing her form:

When the weather is in the "upper seventies" we go outside!! Hurra! This was the last class before the orange belt - test, practicing the kicks: (the enlightment is already visible)
Abby's great day, her blackbelt - test, April 12th. She has trained for it since November, she has even given up chocolate and alcohol for it and - she passed it, obviously:

First class after our second belt-test, now we are orange! Abby, who is also the AI of our class showing off her black-belt while we're sweating in the background.

Learning our 5th form, "Palge I - chang" - the picture is taken by our teacher in the last lesson, yesterday... now the official class (and the semester) is over... :(

1 Kommentar:
Ich finde, ihr schauts aus, wie Astronauten im Training (wegen der US-Flagge);)
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