I'm so sorry for not posting anything for a long time...
There would be enough news to write about here, but still - at the same time I can't make up my mind about what to write first or which of the many new pictures to choose for posting.
(As the donkey in uhm... this story, where it starves to death even though surrounded by plenty of food- just because he can't decide from which side to eat first.)
So I just thought I post something entirely different instead - the newest awesome pictures my brothers have sent me recently! Michi (left - who is visiting me by the way - in already 2 weeks!) as if advertising for toothpaste; and Albi - cutie (right), oh my, who cut his hair like that himself! (it was shoulder - length before) I can just say: respect, I am very proud! <3
4 Kommentare:
Albi reminds me very much of Michi on that photo!
The fable of the donkey and the hay bale is not in the Bible!
OMG, what a faux-pas - I apologize!
I (Michi) have to admit that my nose is actually a little bit bigger and my teeth arn't that white. My Brother just wanted to "improve" the image of the model like the pros do ;)
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