Klassenparty bei Patricia Wise

Last weekend my new voice teacher Patricia Wise invited all of us to her place to a sort of "semester starting-party". So here you can see me and my new "studio" (that's how "Klasse" is called here) at her terrace. You see...almost only girls and just one mezzo among them, the rest all sopranos.
The only one I know a bit better already is Abby, the girl with the white T-shirt sitting next to Ms. Wise. She invited me to "Mother Bear's Pizza Place" for lunch a few days later. It was the 1st time that I ate American Pizza... it looked more like a cake and Italians would be shocked about it, but it was delicious anyway!
On Saturday it was raining heavily for the 1st time and I was completely wet when I attended the 1st great concert in the MAC (that's the "Musical Arts Centre", or the "Opernhaus" as I would call it) - the huge IU Symphony Orchestra (and that's just 1 of the 5 IU - orchestras) performed Beethovens 5th symphony and then the "Emperor - piano concert", were Andre Watts played the piano. Entry was free for everybody, therefore the really huge MAC was crowded and people even didn't get seats any more:

Last weekend my new voice teacher Patricia Wise invited all of us to her place to a sort of "semester starting-party". So here you can see me and my new "studio" (that's how "Klasse" is called here) at her terrace. You see...almost only girls and just one mezzo among them, the rest all sopranos.
The only one I know a bit better already is Abby, the girl with the white T-shirt sitting next to Ms. Wise. She invited me to "Mother Bear's Pizza Place" for lunch a few days later. It was the 1st time that I ate American Pizza... it looked more like a cake and Italians would be shocked about it, but it was delicious anyway!
On Saturday it was raining heavily for the 1st time and I was completely wet when I attended the 1st great concert in the MAC (that's the "Musical Arts Centre", or the "Opernhaus" as I would call it) - the huge IU Symphony Orchestra (and that's just 1 of the 5 IU - orchestras) performed Beethovens 5th symphony and then the "Emperor - piano concert", were Andre Watts played the piano. Entry was free for everybody, therefore the really huge MAC was crowded and people even didn't get seats any more:

It was quite an experience, although I noticed, that Beethoven is not my favourite composer. Of course the famous 1st part of the symphony is a masterpiece, but I didn't like the rest very much. But tastes differ as we know...
So last but not least a reminder for all of us who are underage but can't resist smoking...
wieder mal ein typisch unmissverständlich drohendes amerikanisches Schild für die Trottel unter uns, die das ja sonst nicht verstehen würden...

1 Kommentar:
eine sehr schöne Klasse hast Du!
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