...and no audition result yet
Wie ich sehe, warten hier einige Leute schon voll Ungeduld, aber ich kann gleich vorweg schon sagen, dass es noch ca 1-2- Wochen dauern wird, bis die Besetzungen der Opern bekannt gegeben werden....
Sonst kann ich nur sagen: I'm sorry... could hardly find time to update this week because classes had started and everything seems to be a bit more serious here than University life in Vienna...
Sonst kann ich nur sagen: I'm sorry... could hardly find time to update this week because classes had started and everything seems to be a bit more serious here than University life in Vienna...
homeworks (papers) from the 1st lesson on, books to buy for everything, even acting, Opera workshop and so on...
so this time unfortunately I can't tell you about any new exciting things around Bloomington, but just about my life now on campus. But that's also interesting and much is going on...
und: natürlich war ich perfekt ausgestattet zum uni-Beginn und auch die Schultüte hat nicht gefehlt. (da ich ja noch nie soetwas bekommen hatte bisher) - doch Sirkka hat im letzten Moment bevor ich losgeflogen bin noch schnell gebastelt :* und drum durfte ich dann hier, jetzt (wo die Uni nun ja auch wirklich beginnt) endlich das Prachtstück auspacken:

But - at least news from my 1st audition 3 weeks ago: Now the chorus-audition-results were finally posted and I ended up in the "University Chorale":

That is quite good, because that's just a chamber choir with about 35 people. And: the 1st thing we are going to perform is the Opera chorus for "Susannah", an American opera by Charlisle Floyd. So I will be in a full opera show with costumes an direction and everything - and I'll get to know a comletely new opera! Because also I haven't heard about Floyd yet.
Today was our 1st rehersal - we have 3 choir rehersals a week! - and the music is really beautiful - modern but still easy and pleasant to listen to.
The other classes I have chosen are: Voice (meine einsame eine Gesangsstunde), masterclass (=Klassenkorrep.), piano (heute war meine 1. Klavierstunde - meine Lehrerin ist Koreanerin/Chinesin (??) und sieht jünger aus als ich), Opera Workshop, Fundamentals of acting, Song Literature, Choir and Dance production.
Today I was on campus from 8:30 am till 10:30 pm because I had 4 classes and inbetween I was practising piano and voice for 2 hours each. Yesyes...finally I am really motivated again!
In my 1st voice lesson with Patricia Wise last week, although we talked most of the tome about repertory, just the few things she showed me after that, have already made such a difference.
Now I have to practice with a walnut in my mouth, because that's exactly the space which should be opened inside while singing.
And - for the 1st time I was shopping (in the break between 2 classes), and now I'll soon be a living advertisment for Indiana University: (also to be seen above on the 1st photo)

Heute habe ich übrigens zum 1. Mal Post bekommen! Einen lieben Brief von meiner Familie mit ganz vielen Fotos! Hab mich so gefreut!
Da musste ich dann natürlich besonders an meinen Bruder Michi Car denken, als ich danach heute dieses Gebäude auf der Hauptstraße (Kirkwood Av.) von Bloomington sah:

so this time unfortunately I can't tell you about any new exciting things around Bloomington, but just about my life now on campus. But that's also interesting and much is going on...
und: natürlich war ich perfekt ausgestattet zum uni-Beginn und auch die Schultüte hat nicht gefehlt. (da ich ja noch nie soetwas bekommen hatte bisher) - doch Sirkka hat im letzten Moment bevor ich losgeflogen bin noch schnell gebastelt :* und drum durfte ich dann hier, jetzt (wo die Uni nun ja auch wirklich beginnt) endlich das Prachtstück auspacken:

But - at least news from my 1st audition 3 weeks ago: Now the chorus-audition-results were finally posted and I ended up in the "University Chorale":

That is quite good, because that's just a chamber choir with about 35 people. And: the 1st thing we are going to perform is the Opera chorus for "Susannah", an American opera by Charlisle Floyd. So I will be in a full opera show with costumes an direction and everything - and I'll get to know a comletely new opera! Because also I haven't heard about Floyd yet.
Today was our 1st rehersal - we have 3 choir rehersals a week! - and the music is really beautiful - modern but still easy and pleasant to listen to.
The other classes I have chosen are: Voice (meine einsame eine Gesangsstunde), masterclass (=Klassenkorrep.), piano (heute war meine 1. Klavierstunde - meine Lehrerin ist Koreanerin/Chinesin (??) und sieht jünger aus als ich), Opera Workshop, Fundamentals of acting, Song Literature, Choir and Dance production.
Today I was on campus from 8:30 am till 10:30 pm because I had 4 classes and inbetween I was practising piano and voice for 2 hours each. Yesyes...finally I am really motivated again!
In my 1st voice lesson with Patricia Wise last week, although we talked most of the tome about repertory, just the few things she showed me after that, have already made such a difference.
Now I have to practice with a walnut in my mouth, because that's exactly the space which should be opened inside while singing.
And - for the 1st time I was shopping (in the break between 2 classes), and now I'll soon be a living advertisment for Indiana University: (also to be seen above on the 1st photo)

Heute habe ich übrigens zum 1. Mal Post bekommen! Einen lieben Brief von meiner Familie mit ganz vielen Fotos! Hab mich so gefreut!
Da musste ich dann natürlich besonders an meinen Bruder Michi Car denken, als ich danach heute dieses Gebäude auf der Hauptstraße (Kirkwood Av.) von Bloomington sah:

1 Kommentar:
Don't swallow the walnut.
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