Oha, aus gegebenem Anlass muss ich den geplanten Verkehrsregel-Post verschieben und dringenst über American Food schreiben - sehe ich doch, dass sich hier Vorurteile eingeschlichen haben!
(And I also want to say thanks to simulium for the suggestion about continuing to write my posts in English... I must admit, that words still flow out of my pen or better: keyboard more fluently in German than in English, but maybe I will switch by and by...so there might be bilingual posts from now on, which will finally end up in English only...)
But back to the topic: Food.
Ok, I admit, tha ugly candy (shown above) was really ugly, but let's proceed to real food.
So - there is the slogan of the Gay and Lesbian student Organization: "Celebrate diversity" and I think, it's really the same with American food.
Actually (and I had already a whole lecture about that) there are just a few really American things (Ok, Fast food and so on) - everything else is a melting pot of different European cultures and so it is with the food. In the Supermarkets you can get ingredients from all over the world and I have already seen Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, English and Italian restaurants. And my Chinese roommates told me when I asked them about whether the American Chinese food tastes Chinese or not - "Some of them - too sweet - very spicy - but "Lucky" - very good - I like it"
Actually I got the chance to eat Chinese at home yesterday: Zhou (left) and Ai (right) were cooking and I assisted them. When I took the foto, they were very hysteric and allowed me only to take a foto of the food but not of them- well, if they knew :)
(And I also want to say thanks to simulium for the suggestion about continuing to write my posts in English... I must admit, that words still flow out of my pen or better: keyboard more fluently in German than in English, but maybe I will switch by and by...so there might be bilingual posts from now on, which will finally end up in English only...)
But back to the topic: Food.
Ok, I admit, tha ugly candy (shown above) was really ugly, but let's proceed to real food.
So - there is the slogan of the Gay and Lesbian student Organization: "Celebrate diversity" and I think, it's really the same with American food.
Actually (and I had already a whole lecture about that) there are just a few really American things (Ok, Fast food and so on) - everything else is a melting pot of different European cultures and so it is with the food. In the Supermarkets you can get ingredients from all over the world and I have already seen Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, English and Italian restaurants. And my Chinese roommates told me when I asked them about whether the American Chinese food tastes Chinese or not - "Some of them - too sweet - very spicy - but "Lucky" - very good - I like it"
Actually I got the chance to eat Chinese at home yesterday: Zhou (left) and Ai (right) were cooking and I assisted them. When I took the foto, they were very hysteric and allowed me only to take a foto of the food but not of them- well, if they knew :)

Today (Sunday) I have cooked alone, Manus delicious Tofu-Curry - Noodles:

This beer was not really gorgeous, the others told me, this brewery had won the Blue Ribbon (an award for the best quality beer) in 1860 or something like that, and since then every year another brewery has won it - but Pabst still advertises with it, which of course means nothing about quality any more...
This was the variety of food at the barbecue - bezeichnend ist irgendwie schon, dass das einzige, was gegrillt wurde, Fleischlaberln waren, die dann als Hamburger gegessen wurden... (die buns dazu sind in den Plastiksackerln, wo "Sesam" drauf steht)

And that's me during the cookout... in front of the very typical American house (reminded me on Wild West movies) :)
talking to Richard (a Native Hoosier) (Hoosier=people from Indiana or IU, so I'm a Hoosier too now)
(Marcie, Bloomington-Native mit Mutter aus Trier, and me)

Finally a note about all these people:
Marc (Composition grad major) und Christian (Business grad student for only 1 term) waren die ersten, die ich im Temporary housing kennengelernt hatte und mit denen (und noch ca. 8 anderen Burschen) ich am Anfang meist unterwegs war. (aber inzwischen nicht mehr weil mir das dann irgendwie langsam komisch vorkam)
Dann lernte ich die deutsche Gruppe kennen, wovon ich mit Valeska inzwischen am meisten geplaudert habe. Then, during the cookout I got to know Marcie and I she's probably the one I was having most fun with up to now. :)
Marc (Composition grad major) und Christian (Business grad student for only 1 term) waren die ersten, die ich im Temporary housing kennengelernt hatte und mit denen (und noch ca. 8 anderen Burschen) ich am Anfang meist unterwegs war. (aber inzwischen nicht mehr weil mir das dann irgendwie langsam komisch vorkam)
Dann lernte ich die deutsche Gruppe kennen, wovon ich mit Valeska inzwischen am meisten geplaudert habe. Then, during the cookout I got to know Marcie and I she's probably the one I was having most fun with up to now. :)
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