Singing again...
Diesen in Stein gemeißelten Spruch sah ich an der Wand der Auer - Hall, als ich dort nach meiner heutigen Choir - audition herauskam. Wie wahr, wie wahr!
Ja, hier auf der IU muss man auch für die Chöre vorsingen, bzw. wird man dementsprechend eingeteilt in welchen Choir man kommt. My first choice was Opera chorus. Let's see....
That's me right now, looking into my macbook (which I like to use again also outside)

The good thing about this Welcome Week (right now, the last week before classes begin) is, that you can get free food everywhere... this was my lunch yesterday: (veggie choice of course)

Here a typical IU - store... there are IU - products, t-shirts, trashcans, everything... da kann sich das Kons was abschauen :)

Here another impressive Hall on campus - that's the part of the oldest area I think, maybe built around 1890. (and made of Indiana Limestone)

Here's last but not least the place, I am going to visit frequently throughout the next year... Patricia Wise's room "MA 163" (means Music Annex)
and my name is already on the schedule :)

2 Kommentare:
Hey Viki, you look slender, vegeterian food + heat seem to shape your body!
hätte gar nicht gedacht, dass es auch in amerika magistratsabteilungen gibt ;)
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