Michi ist da!
Mike is here!
Mike is here!
Gemeinsames Frühstück in meinem Appartement nach dem 1. amerikanischen Einkaufen bei Kroger -
Michi findet: "Die Bananen haben so einen gewissen typischen Bananengeschmack, den er eigentlich nur von trockenen Bananen kennt, oder Bananenaroma und in Österreich ist der Geschmack nicht so stark, aber das kann auch an der Marke liegen, oder daran, dass wir dort nur die allerbilligsten kaufen."
Breakfast with Michi at my apartment, after our first Kroger shopping - together.
Mike thinks: "The bananas have a very distinct taste here, that I just used to know from dried bananas, or from banana - aroma. And in Austria their taste is less strong, but that can be because of a different brand, or because we always just buy the cheapest ones."

Michi präsentiert die "Grade A - Vitamin D Milk": "Ja - äh - nicht so schmackhaft wie in Österreich, aber trotzdem für die Cornflakes passend. Und für das braune Wasser, das sich Kaffee schimpft auch. Es schmeckt mir aber trotzdem!"
Mike presents the "Grade A - Vitamin D Milk": "Yes - um - not as tasty as in Austria, but still goes together quite well with Cornflakes. And also with the brown water that calls itself coffee. But I like it anyway!"

Michi und ich posieren vor der Musikuni.
Mike and me posing in front of the music school.

His name is Car. Michael Car! Or: Michi playing with my TKD teacher's gun.

Mr. T***** presenting his Riffle. Just to make clear: He just showed us his gun collection because of the Chinese Mafia's special request.
Oh, and to make clear again: The "Chinese Mafia" is a group of four very harmless Chinese girls that had also attended his TKD class and were just nick-named like that. And Mr. T****** didn't just collect those weapons for fun or as toys, but he used them when he was a police officer/security guard. Now he still has a sheriff - status. But he is a really great guy and he also has his soft sides:
another gun - shot:

1 Kommentar:
Hi, Michael and Viki, seem to me typical American experiences, you have had!
Simulium (i don´t remeber the pass name and word for my blog)
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