PLEASE - also read my Miami update below, because that's the really interesting thing, and way more important than this fun stuff here:
Magda's purse game... as she had guessed already - of course I was too tempted to play the same "game" also with my purse. (as she had done it in her blog) - so that's my spontaneous presentation of what's in my purse right now.... Oh, I feel so chaotic - even here! I'm sure there are thousands os psycho-tests trying to explain how what's in your handbad reflects your character or whatwever, but before I post this picture, I must make clear - that's NOT true! And I'm a very organized and not-chaotic person! At least I wish I were. Anyway, so that's my bag right now: (I must admit, I'm surprised about most of the things myself and wasn't really aware of their presence in my bag)

1. "Royal Dansk" Chocolate wafers (bought today at Walgreen's)
2. Walnuts
3. Pistacchios
4. Dried mixed fruits
5. Chewing gum
6. A pink note with Haomin's e-mail address
7. My wallet
8. A Starbucks - bill
9. My dear analog Olympus - camera
10. Video-camcorder
11. A already full video Mini DV cassette
12. hairbrush
13. Tic Tac "Cherry passion"
14. An empty black oldfashioned "Filmdose"
15. A candy
16. my yellow hairband
17. my passport
18. two stones
19. an envelope with postcards and pens
20. headphones I took from the plane
21. A bunch of maps and folders from the recent attractions in Orlando and Miami
22. an empty zip-lock bag
23. A very old cherry labello
24. A very new Chap stick (practically the same, just without cherry)
25. Ticket for the Universal Studios - Park
26. Ticket for the Vizcaya museum
27. 2 alcohol disinfection pads. (to make sure I'm not a bio hazard)
28. Bus-ticket from the summer holidays 2007 in Elba
29. ticket for free entry to the IU- dress rehersals
30. Card of the Gay/Lesbian student organization
31. Soap from the "Budget Inn"
32. A snail-house
Uff, okay, that's it.
Oh, and wha not also doing Magda's other game: but translated- so
"The 1-word- Survey-game":
filled out today, Mar 12 in Miami, Florida.
1.) Where is your cell phone: sitting next to me, on the bed
2.) Your partner: my roommate Ai, now for travelling
3.) Your hair: in a plait, for the 1st time since years right now!
4.) Your mother: likes James Bond - movies
5.) Your father: will come to visit me in San Francisco in July!!
6.) Favourite object: uhm.... Hula Hoop
7.) Dream you had last night: that I meet Sirkka again and everything was wonderful
8.) Favourite drink: Mango-smoothie, freshly squeezed juices
9.) Car of my dreams: I've never dreamed of a car - I don't like any... but Oldtimers are cute
10.) Room I'm currently in: Day's Inn - room with floral drapes in Miami
11.) My Ex: Sirkkilini
12.) My fear: is the only thing that never stops keeping me working on myself and on fulfilling my dreams
13.) What do you want to be in 10 years: singing and happy
14.) You've spent yesterday evening with: Ai, Quing, Jing, Haomin, Ji and Shudong in a car driving back from Key West
15.) What are you not: cold
16.) The last thing you've done: being crazy enough to empty my bad for Magda's purse game
17.) What do you wear: the new black beach-skirt I bought yesterday and a red-pink-orange top bought last summer at Promod's
18.) My favourite book: right now: "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert
19.) The last thing you've eaten: oops, I'm still eating while writing: dried mixed fruits
20.) My life: A journey with open end
21.) My mood: very tired
22.) My friends: the point of living
23.) Of what are you thinking right now: How I'm excited labout having voice lessons with Julia again
24.) What are you doing right now: answering questions, what else?? And eating.
25.) My summer: for the 1st time not more special then the rest of the year, because it's exciting all the time!
26.) What is on your TV: niente
27.) When did you laugh the last time: today when Ai was afraid of the seagulls
28.) Cried the last time: When I got a very nice e-mail 2 days ago that said (among other things) "No, you're not a stalker, just a wonderfully nice girl"
29.) School: starts again next week: Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
30.) What are you listening to right now: noise of the air condition (yeah, it's summer here!)
31.) Favourite Weekend-activity: no idea...depends where I am. Hopefully for the next weekends: practicing
32.) Dream-job: making a living even though being an artist
33.) My computer: MacBook... muah!
34.) Outside of my window: Fake-rainforest (tropical plants) around the Inn
35.) Beer: yes, I really like the Upland brewery in Bloomington
36.) Mexican food: we had it 2 days ago - very good...reminds me of Maya/Aztek/Inka - food - somehow it's so archaic
37.) winter: is also summer - here in Florida!
38.) Religion: Organized religion is mass psychosis!
39.) Holidays: YES!!!!!! I think a year with half of it holidays, half of it work would be the perfect combination!
40.) On your bed: Laptop, the dried fruets, Ai's clothes
41.) Love: is all there is!! But sometimes it's well hidden or repressed by fears and I want to get and to give and altogether to feel more of it and more and more...!!
Uff, I hope this was entertaining! At least for me... how funny to fill that out here - makes a great difference for most of the answers! :)
Oh no! I just noticed, I have misunderstood the game - and the whole point of it is answering every question with just 1 word. Too late... ok, so then for me it was the "Several words - Survey game". Who say's, we're not creative...
2 Kommentare:
jaaaa, das macht spaß!
was heißt Sirkkilini??
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