Thanksgiving - holidays #2:
Vancouver, BC (Canada)
Vancouver, BC (Canada)
Wonderful weather (cold, but sunny, what seems to be very rare here in November) and fortunately more time than in Seattle...
That's downtown: Old and new together, and in front on what looks like a stone, a counter of the days until the Olympics in 2010. (812 days from yesterday as you can see)
That's downtown: Old and new together, and in front on what looks like a stone, a counter of the days until the Olympics in 2010. (812 days from yesterday as you can see)

Valeska, Hannah and me on a pier. Behind us you can see North-Vamcouver where you can go by ferry. (or car, if you drive around the bay)
Hannah is one of Valeska's oldest friends from Munich and she studies Psychology here in Canada. We're staying with her and her Indian boyfriend in their dorm on campus.

We found out, that it's food, what Vancouver is most famous for. They say, that the Sushi is better than in Japan, because everything is so fresh directly from the sea and so many Japanese people immigrated over the years because Vancouver is the first place in Canada where you arrive when you come across the Pacific. But yesterday I tried something else..I couldn'e believe my eyes, I found a Pierogy-place!!

It was run by Asian people too (as everything here) but the food should be Russian. Reminded my more on Krakow though:

That's the food...3 types of Pierogy at the back left and cabbage rolls on the right. You could also add sausages and sauerkraut or order Borscht.
Then we went to a market with many small creative shops, like this one just for beads...

Valeska and me in front of another eatery...

Another view from the pier. The seagulls were aggressive even tough this one looks so innocent...

Now I am really tired... it's cold here (about 0°C) and I also quite literally got a cold. (the 1st since I left Europe) Hope I can sing next week again...
1 Kommentar:
Pierogi sind POLNISCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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